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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


The name is Deanna. A dancer , music lover and more. 24th April is my day, and I’m currently a 13th going 14th. I'm in love with almost every single English pop singer and of course, Korean bands like 2ne1, T-ara, B.E.G, SNSD, U-kiss, 2pm, 2am, Big Bang & SHINee (: They're famous, hopefully you'll know who they are. I'm a die-hard fan of my Besties, Atikah, Qilu , Tianchen & KhengShyan (: they're always by my side whenever I need them. Not to mention, the rest of 2I2 & Prfects (: My greatest enemies are Liars, Backstabbers and Hypocrites. I hate them alot. World would be such a better place without them all i guess.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


A random music player
Just to smooth the ears
If it becomes a noise pollution to you, simple press the button

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Materialistic stuff
Pass 6 months probation to be Prefect
Get distinction for Ballet exam

Getting awesome marks for CT
That Perfect Happily Ever After life




Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
June 2010



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Sunday, June 13, 2010

HEYO guys ^^ i am back from indonesia.. it was an awesome, even though got quite a lot of scary stuff and some things aren't really that nice..i still enjoyed it..because..i made a whole lot of new friends who are super fun :D:D

and because i don't feel like writing everything out i too lazy le..this post is dedicated to my group members and my girlfriends (:


YOYO (: Ty for looking out for me so much during this trip..its only been a few days but you've been like a big brother to me you know you know.. i rmb when i first saw you i thought you were really weird :x hehe.. but then when i got to know you..you were this awesomely funny and nice guy yeah? you never fail to make me laugh :D:D I still rmb when our group will all do the 'fake bridge stunt' together, and the weird hand movements from chinese dance..ty ty it was super epic ^-^ Super sorry that i ruined your scraf from the mount bromo trip with all my mucus..hahas! >< And ty so much for treating me icecream at the taman safari trip (: Will continue to listen to your story and give you advice de..must tell me more ahh.. Will never forget you de .. and hopefully i will not continue to reject you from taking pictures with me next time big bro :P:P YOU ROCK ! CONTINUE TO CRAZY DANCE KAYS? SMILE! (:


Heys heys super-fast-talker and self praise person..hahas jk jk (: but you really talk too fast le :x TY so much for doing all my chinese dance movements to irritate me..hahas..it was funny..next time i teach you properly so you don't have to do it until like that kays? and yes lets ROAR together because i am dinosaur xD Will miss your fast talking and self-praising kays? but i know you really did a good job in teaching the children so job well done, i will praise you too next time kays? (:


My dear kakak <3 i only can say.. I LOVE YOU! hahas..i'm purposely being mushy and you know it :P:P Lets continue listen to our fav korean songs and try to tell afzal and ansari that korean ppl are not gays!!! TY for pulling my hair so much ahh..hahas..it made me laugh..i know you like to torture me right? hahas..but i still love mickey atikah ^^ Really enjoyed this honeymoon with you ya? even though you very tired and emo..you were still super macho when you never wear sweater even though its freezing cold yeah :D:D Lets hold hand and walk up the mountain together shall we? It was really fun hahas.. (: i know you were feeling a bit sick when you got back..so..LET ME WISH YOU A SPEEDY RECOVERY MACHO MICKEY KAKAK, LOVE YOU FOREVER THE SWEETEST GIRL XD


YO hair-square-is (: i am only spelling your name correctly for once :P muahahas..don't blame me for making fun of your name kays? i'm sorry..but i can't help it! And yes..continue to do i pwn you with the funny voice with afzal..its nice ^^ Even though you purposely crush me at the ride to mount bromo i won't mind luh..continue to bully me bah..hahas..next time don't be that shy kays? HWAITING~~


TianTian (:(: You've been like a sister and mummy to me during this trip..must thank me for what i have told ahem ahem that made you so happy now ahh..hahas jk jk :D:D Ty for listening to my advice all this while and ty for telling me everything, ty for trusting me~~ i still rmb when me and you were practising chinese dance and dancing and singing to korean songs during the trip..lets continue to be crazy yeah? :x Will do more crazy shopping with you de! :D Next time bring your bear bear and i will bring my bear bear along to play..will continue to tease you de..muahahahas..OH WELL..just wanna say I LOVE YOU TOO..SO CONTINUE TO BE AS SWEET AND HAPPY AS YOU ARE NOW KAYS? CAN COME TO ME WHENEVER YOU GOT ANY PROBLEMS (:


YOYO ^^ all of you have been sticking together during this trip ahh.. mimi, yong yong and yannie, all of you have been super funny and made me laugh alot wor (: Yannie will buy you a super nice big present kays? Don't worry.. MIMI continue to comb your hair and look in the mirror :P:P.. lady michelle stay pretty pretty de kays? Yong yong i hope you will get well kays? luckily i don't have diarrhoea from eating the instant noodles, poor thing ahh you.. hope you will not have diarhoea and get your voice back kays? LOVE YA <3

Kays kays..my hand pain le..type so much..>< TY TO ALL THE TEACHERS AND OTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN ON THIS TRIP (: next time must come overseas with me hor..? BYE BYE ^-^

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:28 AM

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Annyong haseyo guys ^.^ i finally posting now cause my blog too dead le..hahas kays lets talk bout friday..


First period was math..the usual scary period >.<" mrs tay de speed so scary de..anyways..then got el, must do newspaper journal, and then lit, i kept on talking to kakak non-stop and wasn't even listening which is terrible :x then recess i chop chop go eat then do canteen duty and i drag atikah to do with me (: Then geog then chinese...then math test..hai. i dk what happen to me, got a few questions wrong, but nvm ^.^

Then get back report bk, don't really understand some stuff so don't bother..then went to change and stuff and slack awhile, went for chinese dance..ohs..the dance so nice (: But when changing position, i must from one end run to another end of the rm during the dance, then everybody always look at me, hai, i dk how teacher arrange me de, must make me run so long..Kay then we were admiring the dance which weiyi and junjie or lingjie or something like that pair dance, omg..so nice..everybody clap clap for them ^^ Then one part of the dance we suppose to do some pose..and the teacher create some pose for me..then huiyu say it's so sexy..lols..Then after chinese dance went down, and then i saw the prefects so i went to go talk talk with them..then tianchen they all leave the school..

I ended getting bullied by everyone in prefects as usual..hai. Junyang want see my report bk then i just give him, then dk jiaxin also see together..lols then they over there say how come don't have underlined one..hahas i just bleah them. Then fendi go say i act cute..uh..everytime i say everything he say act cute one lo..then we all just laugh together..then the haisong also dk pop out from where..asking me some questions, then the benchia ask us keep quiet, cause we too noisy, laughing here and there :x Then i go take the packet food and eat cause i was too hungry le..Then justin, fendi, junyang and huan gui we all talk talk, then justin was teasing me bout something again..then when i step back i step on benchia's leg..then get bullied by him..-.- but nvm..getting bullied by prefects is okay de ^^

Then in the end when everyone leaving le, junyang left in a car..then i was teasing him go say "must hao hao jio qilu" hahas..then haisong say why i never chase him..aiyo terrible haisong..Then ended up leaving the school with fendi and huan gui..lols fendi very funny on the way..make me and huan gui keep on laughing..then they talking bad bout mrs tay and saying vulgar which is quite scary.. Then huan gui left and me and fendi went to buy a drink at the shop, then he finally say see the joy in making me irrtated when he say i act cute so he say that..-.- Then talk talk talk, reach bus stop, then from there i go take taxi home cause too late..and leave fendi at the bus stop..this is called revenge xD

kays that's all..need go do newspaper journal le..jiayous on your hw..must rmb to listen to korean songs (:

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:57 PM